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For a list of Iceman models, see Portal:Iceman series.

The Iceman series is a line of solid body electric guitars and basses manufactured by Hoshino Gakki and sold under the Ibanez brand. Unlike most other Ibanez guitar shapes which are inspired by shapes first used by other brands (e.g. Fender Strats, Gibson Les Pauls, etc.) the Iceman is a completely distinct body-shape designed in partnership with FujiGen in the late 1970s. The Iceman shape is closely identified with KISS guitarist Paul Stanley who had a signature Iceman.

The Iceman line is considered to fall under the X series umbrella which also encompasses, Destroyer, Xiphos and various other "extreme" shapes.

Iceman (ICB) Bass[]

In late 1994 the (ICB) Iceman bass series was introduced with the model ICB300, later 6 more models was added to the line-up starting with ICB200 which has a retro 70's style, then ICB200EX, ICB250EX, a limited edition model ICB08LTD in 2008 , the ICB300EX and for the last year of production the ICB305EX 5-string model was introduced, along with this model the series was discontinued in 2010. The prefix EX stand for extreme.

Sharlee D'Angelo series[]

Since 2008, Swedish bassist Sharlee D'Angelo adopted the Iceman model for his own signature model, this series includes 3 models: SDB1, SDB2 and SDB3.

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